Contact & Arrival

Letter and package address

Ruhr-University Bochum
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
Chair of Theoretical Physics of Electrified Interfaces
NB 6/56 Subject 122
Universitätsstr. 150

44801 Bochum

Another Contact data

Tel.: +49 234 32 23734

Fax: +49 234 32 14448

E-Mail: interfaces(at)

Site plan of the RUB
Low-Barrier campus plan

Campus plan with routes that are as barrier-free as possible.

Aerial view of the RUB campus from the south

Travel information

The Chair of Theoretical Physics of Electrified Liquid-Solid Interfaces is located in the north of the 6th floor of the building NB (Faculty of Physics and Astronomy).

You will find the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy in building NB in the southwest of the RUB campus. You will find the Astronomical Institute in the GAFO building complex in the G row.

Please refer to the central RUB pages for up-to-date information on your arrival, parking facilities and closures.

Link to the RUB overview

Picture: RUB, Marquard